Monday, February 28, 2005
Like a Butterfly...
I was happily working on some gift knitting and contemplating casting on some mindless knitting (a chenille throw) to keep near the television...but alas, I've been diverted like a butterfly to a lovely lacy flower...I'm test knitting Mariposa for Southwest Trading Company! (as of right now, the image on the main page for SWTC happens to be Mariposa). It's a lovely lacy flower wrap done in Bamboo yarn. Unfortunately for me, in order to save myself a long extraneous tail from long tail cast on, I tried single loop cast on for this project and the first row was proving to be a real pain in the you know what. After struggling to get halfway through the first row (309 stitches!!) I gave up, frogged it out and re-cast on using long tail. Sadly, things are progressing slowly - either I'm just a slow knitter or I just didn't have a good appreciation for how long it takes to make a lace object...ah well. I guess I'll re-evaluate this whole "test knitting" concept once I'm through with my first project.
Random fact for you readers: a Mariposa is a lovely tulip-like flower that grows in the southwestern United States and Mexico....mariposa also happens to be the Spanish word for butterfly.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Yowza! Thank you Secret Pal!

Look what was waiting for me when I got home last night...well, okay, it was actually a USPS Priority Mail box, but Priority Mail boxes just don't make for interesting photography. A super humongous appreciative THANK YOU goes to my Secret Pal. It couldn't have arrived at a better time - I've been stressing lately (well, stressing more than usual anyway) and this really brightened my day - and it's all perfect - and color coordinated to boot!
What all is it? Why, it's the March/April 2005 edition of Cooks Illustrated Magazine, a yummy bar of Lindt Bittersweet Dark Chocolate, handmade and personalized Grapefruit & Tangerine Bath Salts and Rosemary Mint Soap, a Ty Beanie Baby Kitty, pair of Mandarin Orange Votives and an adorable homemade card...and some absolutely delightful yarn in my favorite colors! It's Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk yarn in two colors and Great Adirondack Yarn Co. Whiskers yarn. What fun!
The Rosemary Mint soap smells absolutely wonderful as do the candles and the bath salts. I love the labels :D I had to laugh because I was just thinking to myself to get more votives - so these went right into my candle holders. Thanks so much, Secret Pal!
Overdue Photo Blogging

Lookie lookie :) Amy knows I love to enhance my Fabric Stash almost as much as I love to enhance my Yarn Stash...she got me some Lilly Pulitzer fabric and some Incredibles toys - Baby Incredible (I can shoot his head off!) and Dash (he's a wind-up toy)! I loved that movie - can't believe its coming out on DVD/VHS already!! Thanks so much for brightening my day, Amy - I'm workin' on plans for that fabric :)
Bejeweled Ribby

People have asked, so here it is :) The jewelry for my Ribby. It's a fortune cookie charm from Amyville! Isn't it fantastic? It even has the "fortune" peeking out like they sometimes do on real cookies! Rumor has it that a zipper pull option will soon be available for the various goodies at Amyville, but if not, Amy will do custom orders :) The cool thing with these little goodies is I can attach em to other my Clie (something like a Palm Pilot, but made by Sony) or even a cell phone. Accessories for everything whoo hoo!
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Egrets...and Herons...and Pelicans! oh my!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
The Rain Really puts a Damper on Things!
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
A Place for Everything...
I swear. All this rain is proving to be most difficult on my wallet as well as on my sanity. There is only so much organizing and redecorating that an individual can do without going absolutely bonkers! :D
This weekend resulted in yet another trip to purchase a nice tall bookcase. (Norrebo, in case you're wondering) It puts my other bookshelf to shame (an affaire of bricks and laminate shelving as done by a starving college student). So now we look incredibly literate...until you go in for the close scan and realize that one and a half shelves are dedicated to hiking books and field guides! The arrival of Norrebo into the house also enabled me to move my towering pile of cookbooks from the bedroom (don't ask) over to the etagere that flanks the's nearly full, if you can believe that.
Cruz asked for photos of my newly tidied guest rooms. Sadly, I don't have any - and I'm still rather shy of publishing photos of my home. I don't know why, it just seems wrong. I will say that our biggest problem was having the vertical storage to put everything. Prior to the Great Organizational Weekend, all of my extensive hiking gear was strewn about the floor. One might wonder how it is possible that an individual can really have that much hiking gear....well, it's safe to say that I have enough gear in the house to run a small outfitter - at last count we had over 10 backpacks, 8 sleeping pads and some crazy number of tents and sleeping bags. Add in the fact that I have climbing gear and enough rope to wrap my house in and perhaps you get the picture. Go vertical I say :D Get yerself some shelves and some bins and start compartmentalizing. I'm a great fan of compartmentalizing - it just seems to make for easier access! Things that can hang can be hung on the walls from peg boards...or even in the closet! I never thought it could be done without offloading a ton of the gear, but we managed - and I'm positively stunned at the difference.
Friday, February 18, 2005
I'm interchangeable!

You are interchangeable.
Fun, free, and into everything, you've got every
eventuality covered and every opportunity just
has to be taken. Every fiber is wonderful, and
every day is a new beginning. You are good at
so many things, it's amazing, but you can
easily lose your place and forget to show up.
They have row counters for people like you!
What kind of knitting needles are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, February 17, 2005
I'm such a Chicken
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Spring Booties
Spring is coming, and several people I know have babies on the way. Instead of going out and purchasing baby gifts, I thought I'd go for something more personal - some quick hand knit baby booties seemed to be the trick (along with some other hand knit goodies) . These booties flew off the needles, and were a fun and quick knit - there's nothing like projects that give instant gratification! Aren't they adorable?! Cruise over to my finished objects blog for pattern and yarn info.
As for me, I'm now lusting after the book "Socks for Sandals and Clogs" it appears it's soon to be re-released as a second edition, and has some pretty funky patterns inside :) Probably not the best thing to start out on for a Virgin Sock Knitter, but hey, I happen to be one of those wierdos who actually does wear socks with my Sandals (and Clogs).
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
What's a Girl to Do...

Monday, February 14, 2005
IKEA'd Again!
Thanks go IKEA and a ridiculously energized and determined husband, our guest rooms are guest-ready again and my gear room looks like an outfitter's shop! It's really quite impressive. I honestly can't remember the last time I could walk around freely inside the guest room turned gear closet...And all this was done without throwing away hardly anything - just some new shelves, a hanging peg rack, some dowel extensions for my existing peg racks and some storage benches (which the cats adore). Unfortunately, no photos are available - I was too embarrassed by the original mess to capture it, and well, I'm kinda embarrassed by the quantity of outdoor equipment we own. In any case, while it seemed like mad torture to actually get it done, the rooms look positively stunning.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Healthcare POS indeed!
Sorry folks, 3 days and no updates...I fear the only good that has come out of having the flu is a mostly complete Ribby. Sadly, I'm well enough to have packed myself back off to work because I'm one of the last people on earth that still uses a 56k modem...and trying to work from home on such a pokey connection was driving me batty. As a result, I've not had proper light with which to photo my Ribby or anything else I've been working on (gifties!). Hopefully this will be remedied relatively soon. This ends the knitting update.
As for that title, I'm on a rampage about the state of the healthcare insurance system. I laugh every time I see it, because I'm on a POS plan. Literally. They don't mean for me to refer to it as a Piece of Sh*t, but there it is. The plan benefits must have recently changed, and rather than direct mail all the plan participants notifying them of the changes, I believe they just posted the changes to some website that they hoped we'd go visit. Imagine my surprise when I realized there had been a 50% increase in my dr visit copay cost and some prescription medications have received a 100% cost increase! Oh, and another thing - they've gone and implemented a mail order system for prescription medications....and from what I hear, they plan on making certain "maintenance" prescriptions more difficult to obtain from a brick-and-mortar retail pharmacy to force the use of this prescriptions-by-post program...was this communicated in any nice manner? Of course not. After all, the program is a POS.
Monday, February 07, 2005
An Un-Seamly Productive Weekend
Since I'm doomed to another day on the couch, I'll probably manage to get some work done on Cozy - unless I manage to drift off for a very welcome nap....what is it with colds and flu that make it difficult to get any sort of restful sleep at night?! I would think that the body would do anything for a "system shutdown" kind of rest to get rid of the offending bug. While I've definitely hit the "I'm really sick and tired of being sick" stage (otherwise also known as the whiny and wall-climbing phase of illness), I try to tell myself: "at least I'm catching up on my knitting and reading...." :) Be well, folks - and do whatever you can to keep whatever is making the rounds away. You definitely don't want *this* bug.
Friday, February 04, 2005
Saved from Daytime TV!
So - why on earth would I find myself stuck dreading the horrors of daytime television you ask? Well, I've been battling some weird bug all week and it finally laid me low yesterday - fever topping 100 degrees F, and good for absolutely nothing other than being horizontal on the couch. I didn't have enough energy to read, to knit (how sad!), to push the cats off me when they *both* insisted on sitting on my chest - and definitely no energy to surf channels. What saved me? Why I was passed out for most of the day, thank you very much! Definitely an interesting experience for someone who is usually multi-tasking with all kinds of things going hither and yon.
I'm officially on the mend, though am definitely no where near able to multi-task (heck, I'm barely able to single task for that matter!), and while I will likely continue to acquaint myself with my couch, I will hopefully be able to get more rows done on Ribby (I'm guessing 58 more rows before sleeve cap shaping).
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
nerdy tomboy!
What kind of little girl were YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla
*Supreme Nerd. How embarassing is that?!