Friday, June 03, 2005

Ready for a Rrrrip Roarin' Weekend!

I don't know what's gotten into me. I blame it on the feeling of fiber and that darned Checkerboard sweater. What's been goin' on? Well...I've gone about recycling knitted things - the first target? That silly Trio Knit Bag that I knit out of Lion Brand Homespun...I know, the yarn was probably not worth the time spent reclaiming it, but there was such satisfaction in the unraveling...The reclaimed yarn along with the remaining Homespun is destined to be come a cozy lap blanket or cat blanket for one or more various animal shelters out there. I've also frogged out my mesh french market bag because it was stretching way too much under weight - I had intended to only frog it back a little big and re-do the decreases for the bottom, but I got carried the yarn will now be remade as a Triceratops! In the meantime, I still have the front and back of the Checkerboard sweater to rip back as well as that green & grey bulky wool sweater. Whoo! Let the wool fly!

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