Sunday, May 01, 2005

Flowery Goodness

Well then. Now that the secret pals are all revealed, I can update with a completed item from quite some time ago - I knit up a bunch of these as gifts - it's the flower washcloth from Weekend Knitting!

Hopefully those who have received them have enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed knitting them...the knitting goes very quickly, though I I'm mighty tempted to try to figure out a way to knit em from the inside save myself from accidentally not connecting all the petals without a twist...though I don't think it would save me any trouble with regards to all the ends that need to be woven case you're wondering it's 2 strands per petal plus the last bit at the center of the flower...eleven in all!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie!

I just wanted to thank you for all my gifts from the SP4! You made it an enjoyable experience for me!
