Monday, November 29, 2004

Turkey Day Feast Redux

Well, since we didn't have our own feast on Thanksgiving, I had to do one when we came home after our Death Valley experience. On the menu: Garlic Green Beans, Roast and Stuffed Chicken, Roast Veggies (carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes and onions), Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Home Baked Italian Bread, Cranberry Sauce and an Apple Pie a la Mode. Yum.

Yeah, that's a roast chicken - I don't do roast turkeys - I can never find a bird small enough and no, I haven't tried the roast turkey breast trick yet. Tho I might consider it one of these years.

I can't believe the holiday season is upon us. I'm not ready! Are you? I guess the frantic-ness begins, and I need to break out the baking books for all the holiday parties and hurry up to get our cards out....luckily most of the gifts and what not are done - or are easy enough to "wrap up" ha ha. bad pun. Sorry bout that :D

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