Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm Back!

I had intended to write a much more lengthy post explaining my absence, but I'm not feeling particularly well. I suspect it is post travel illness :( darn that recycled cabin air!

Anyhow, I was off on the East Coast for work.

Leaving my home, I nearly had my crochet hook confiscated (apparently it looks like a threatening object in the x-ray machine).

It was cold. There was a snow storm (just a mini one, but the panic was all the same it seems)

Ribby and Kepler were both featured during the trip with great success.

While I was over yonder in the land of cold whiteness, I visited my brother and sister in law, my big sis, and Marie. Marie is much more organized than I am when it comes to getting her shop going, and she even has stuff selling at various shops (including her own)! I must say thanks to her for carting me hither and yon to various knit shops (and talking spinning talk with me). I must say, I persevered in not adding to the Ridiculous Stash - hoping only to find some Dale of Norway Hauk with which to cast on for that Pirate Hat (since that's what seemed to be winning). I was nearly undone by some wool-silk Alchemy and some gorgeousness by Artfibers. Since the hat and the spinning were tied though, I figured I should either settle for Hauk or roving. Neither of which were available. Thank goodness.

1 comment:

Brooklyn Handspun said...

I'm glad you home safe and sound, but sorry to hear you aren't feeling well...although if you took a day off from work you could spin all day...yes I am an addict...hehee.