Monday, May 14, 2007

Celebrating Project Spectrum

Pinks Greens and Yellows - the color triad for Project Spectrum for April and May. If you want to find out more about what each of the items are in the photo above, visit its flickr page.

I've been surprised this month - I honestly did not realize quite how much pink or green I had in the Shop! I had noticed that I seem to be trending towards the greens an awful lot with the dyework, and it's one of the colors I am always fascinated by out here in the desert. While we don't have much of the "bright" greens, there are plenty of greens to be seen, even more so if all the elevation ranges are included. They say in some places of Arizona, just due to the elevation changes, it can be like seeing life zones all the way from Mexico to Canada!

I'm really enjoying Project Spectrum because it's really opened my attention to colors all around me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is your conditioning for running going?