Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tink Tink Tink!

Well, I've taken a slight diversion from the socks - I was lured away by lace. This is my first time knitting lace using Mohair - this isn't KSH, it's actually a fair bit fatter, so I've sized up the needles accordingly. I forgot I had this yarn in my stash, and I don't even remember when I picked it up (or where I picked it up from!) but when I was helping to stuff bags for the Phoenix Stitch N Pitch (it's this Saturday, folks!) I saw the yarn (Fuego from Skacel) and thought to myself - boy, that looks awfully familiar....turns out I had several balls in the stash.

Anyhow, it's rare that I have yarn yelling at me to knit it - but this stuff was screaming to be turned into lace. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the shawl once it's done, I derive such pleasure from knitting lace, but I don't usually wear it - though I did have a fine time hiding out under one of Kiki's shawls when she was kind enough to loan it to me when I got a bit cold knitting away one evening. Anyhow, this thing is positively flying off the needles!

In other news, while I have had to tink back as much as a row (not fun, that tinking of mohair business), I haven't had to clear space in the freezer for full on ripping!

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