Friday, December 17, 2004

Friday's here!

Yeah. It's been one of those kinds of weeks. Thank goodness it's Friday! Time to tuck in and get some good lazing in along with some last minute holiday knitting and perhaps yet another round of baking. No, I don't have any potlucks or holiday parties to bake for. Baking just for bakings sake. I don't know what it is about baking, but I find it immensely soothing. And every once in a while, I get it in my head to do some elaborate decorative baking. The thought crosses my mind every once in a while that I shoulda been a pastry chef. And yes, you read that right, the holiday knitting list just got reopened with a couple last minute requests. What's in store?'ll just have to wait and see...can't have the holiday surprises ruined, now can I? :D

1 comment:

Cheryl:) said...

your cats are gorgeous...the light one seems a little bored with the whole thing...