Tuesday, August 29, 2006


apparently I'm terribly stubborn as I've just frittered away about an hour trying to figure out what kept crashing my blogs. It seems that adding photos in firefox adds wierdness to the code that in turn seems to crash the blog. I've since gone and manually edited out the links to larger image sizes as well as manually coded the placement of the photos in the post - this *appears* to have solved the problems.

I'm curious, anyone else out there edit in Firefox and use the blogger tools for uploading and formatting?


Anonymous said...

Wordpress and flickr. Way easier than fighting with blogger. And if you're not ready to install your own blog/pay for another domain: http://wordpress.com/ (I haven't used the free/hosted version though...)

Anonymous said...

I did for a second blog idea that I had but once I had problem after problem I abandoned the project.

Sorry you had such a rough time. Shame on you blogger!

Teri.p said...

That's weird... I normally use Netscape, but anytime I try to edit my blog, it crashes. So, I've started using Firefox for editing, and have had no problems so far.

Devorah said...

I always work in Firefox and haven't had any problems other then the occassional time out by Blogger.

Anonymous said...

sorry d000d. i hand code EVRYTHING. i upload my on photos to my server and then handcode it myself. And i love firefox. blogger probably has issues with it, because they probably have it set up for IE. and frankly most people aren't smart enought to NOT use IE. Hence why it is probably having issues with firefox. People really need to get with it and use a modern browser.