My husband simply didn't understand when I told him I was spending the evening going to listen to a famous blogger. I can tell you that Stephanie is as funny in person as she is in writing, and wonderfully charming as well. It was a real treat to listen to her speak and get my books autographed. *sigh* I'm a knitting groupie. Tell me, how odd is that?
For those of you visiting from chez Harlot, and are wondering what on earth Bursage is, it's a fairly common sonoran desert plant with sagey gray-green leaves. As Stephanie rightly points out, we certainly do lack the typical jewel green hues here, but there are actually quite a few earthy & muted shades of green. It's these colors, along with others in the desert that tend to inspire my work.
Witness the Bursage batt inspired by the forenamed plant:
And this is what it looks like spun up... lovely green squashy merino in desert hues :D
If you'd like to bring some inspired-by-the desert wool (in wool or yarn form!) into your home, please do visit my shop :)