It's downright cold down here - it's actually gotten below freezing!
The good news is it means I get to haul out the knits and swath myself in wool - the bad news is I'm a wuss when it gets down to a certain temperature and having to run outdoors - so far, I've managed to reschedule my runs to once the sun is up and the air temp has had a chance to rise. Unfortunately, I'm supposed to make a trip to the frigid north in the not too distant future and am not quite certain as to what I'm going to do (temps currently up in that direction are in the negatives for the lows, and low teens for the highs! eek!). While I do have technical apparel, it works fine for hiking, but I'm not so sure about the running - especially if there's snow or ice on the ground (as is likely). As it is, I'm going to have to scrounge for mittens/gloves (no, I don't have any - how embarrassing for a knitter!) If any of you are runners and you have suggestions on how to cope with the cold, I'd love to hear it.
Oh, I did get the swatching done, and a good thing too - I've discovered through the magic of swatching that I had to go down 2 needle sizes, but miraculously, on US5s I hit gauge right on.

See? that's about 4 inches of Avast - I did the cable band, picked up my stitches (somehow managed to pick up too few, and had to resolve the issue on the next row), and have been knitting away on the body - I'm not sure what I think of this mindless back and forth of stockinette - as this is a mens sweater, there isn't even any shaping to keep me entertained! The good news is, given a few nights of intensive tv watching, I should make fast progress. The sleeves, once I get there, will both be knit at the same time - I'm trying to decide if they will be done in the round or not. With some luck and fast knitting, I hope to have this jacket done before the season for sweaters passes.