Monday, August 29, 2005

Gotta Love Technology

Well, it's been a while - needless to say, work has been keeping me plenty busy - the weekend was spent getting my weekly dose of sunshine (along with my fair share of bumps and scrapes...and apparently I got a bit too friendly with a prickly pear).

This morning I had planned on working from home (hooray for telecommuting) but that was quickly quashed by technical difficulties. I spent the first hour of my morning allowing the "Technical Assistance Center" break my machine further, only to have it returned to its semi-functioning self at the end of the call. Apparently if I decide to end the call, they consider the ticket closed, even if the problem is not resolved. How's that for customer service? *grumble* so after I get done with my phone meeting, I get to get back with the Tech folk to see if they can fix the problem.

Love it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hat techno everything. My idea of perfect tecno is a spinning wheel. I'm sure it will be yours as well. Thanks for leaving a commnet on the blog. Lily is really a nice little girl. Sometimes lately I don't think anyone reads my blog as there are no commnets. Until next time...