Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Let me eat cake.

Still recovering from the Half :) and still awaiting photos - almost as good as happy running photos is a photo of cake...

Red Velvet - my current favorite and fascination, even though I've never baked one myself - this slice came from AJ's Fine Foods - quite tasty, but not as tasty as Melati's Red Velvet Cupcakes...her website isn't open for business yet, but she has been taking and baking orders - if you're local, you can inquire about her fantastic cupcakes by emailing her!

Knitting is photoless - but progressing - I've cast on for some rather fancy socks called Scherherazade's Slippers - I'll be trying to modify them a little as I go to accommodate my curvy calves - possibly making them one repeat longer to get up up over my calf and to my knees - we'll see if the yarn holds out :)

The firestarters and I are back at the beginning of the gussets - I'll be back to where I was pre-frogging in no time. In an attempt to eliminate bagginess through the instep, I shall be adding some ribbing in the sole.

In other news, a big box of yarn arrived - and is being prepped for photographing. I'll be having Malabrigo Silky in the shop soon!


Anonymous said...

mmmm cake! We have an AJ's or two around here. I might have to go out and hunt one of them down.

*sending good sock vibes*

Brooklyn Handspun said...

You're killing me with that cake - mmmm must stay away from yummy red cake...

Oiyi said...

Oh, yum yum yum. I baked a Red Velvet cake last year and it tasted great.