Friday, March 16, 2007

Technically...'s still Winter.

First day of Spring is not until next week, yet Spring has Sprung and then some...(record breaking temps down here in the Southwest - with it forecast to actually break 100F eeek!)

It seems I'm getting a head start on Project Spectrum's April and May colors (Green, Yellow - sorry, no pink here). I didn't look in the backyard a couple days - and the next thing I know it, the Hopbush looks like this:

(Sadly, this hopbush is no good for brewing.) Seriously. Green and boring one moment, and bursting and fully loaded with flowers the next. It's like some magical timer went off and suddenly the whole thing is in bloom.

Not only that, but the Acacia is joining in on the fun:

Unfortunately, the Mesquite looks a bit ratty and has gone and dropped a goodly portion of its leaves, but it should leaf out again soon - if it would only rain a little.

Another favorite Green & Yellow combo is the Palo Verde when they bloom - but that's not due to happen for a little bit yet...

If you'd like to get a jump on some Project Spectrum Knitting, there are several nice green yarns in the Shop - and specifically there are a couple skeins of Palo Verde available :D

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