As the summer creeps onward, I snatch time as I am able with Avast. All the knitting is done, and the poor sweater was left abandoned in a heap on the back of the loveseat awaiting my pleasure (and patience as I can't stand having that much wool in my lap when the temperatures are still topping out near 110 F!)...course I do let the cat(s) sit in my lap if they are so inclined ;) I can't resist a content kitty...
Anyhow, I figure if this sweater is going to be ready once the temperatures settle back down to a much more reasonable temperature, I need to stay somewhat focused and continue to make progress with the finishing. In this case, it meant taking it off the back of the loveseat, filling a sink and
drowning it giving it a good soak so it could be rolled between towels like a sweater-filled burrito and then laid out flat for blocking.
I swear by blocking for lace - it's where all the magic happens - I'm not so fond of blocking sweaters. I'm not sure why - I think it has to do with my fear of getting a sweater all wet and relaxed, only to find that the fabric stretches and stretches and the next thing I know, I have a dress on my hands....
Happily, that awful scenario didn't play out with this one. The fabric tidied itself up nicely in the blocking process, making everything look happy and uniform. The above photo is of the zipper bands (yes, I need to turn them back on themselves and stitch em down) - and to the left we see the happy raglan decreases.
I completed the blocking freehand, seeing as the garment is essentially complete minus the finishing details like turned in hems, cuff and installed zipper...To make sure it was about right in size, I grabbed a favored jacket and laid it on top of the relaxing sweater - and it looks like I got the dimensions just right.
Once dry, the sweater will move back downstairs so I can tack down the hems/flaps that need tacking, and I will be hunting for zippers...Anyone out there have suggestions? Initial measurements indicate I need to find myself a 32-inch zip in a suitably matching hue.