Friday, August 01, 2008

Wiped Out!

Ever feel like this?

I don't know where all the time is flying to, all I know is I don't seem to have enough of it (it's times like these that I wish I had a time turner...or a clone of myself)! August is here already...and you know what that means? The shop is freshly restocked...the last two weekends saw me covered head to toe in fiber - which means that big pile of wool that was due to be fed to the Beast has all been processed :) There is, of course, a bit more blending to be done now that the fresh box of merino came in...but August will be dedicated dyework - both yarn and fiber, if I can manage it.

Of course, there's quite a bit more in the shop other than freshly blended batts...Orders from my jaunt to TNNA have been coming in and getting added to the shop. I'm now a Louet Stockist (no, I've not yet acquired more wheels - though I *am* tempted, especially by the little Victoria - especially seeing as how my Minstrel doesn't like to go for rides in my car), and I also stock Buffalo Gold and Rio de La Plata yarns too...and don't forget the Malabrigo - I added some new colorways in the various Malabrigo yarns. Here's a peek:

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