Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Arrr. It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

ARRR! Where�s me grog, wench?

In honor of talk like a pirate day, I stopped with the procrastinatin' and did up the hems and front bands of Avast. (Avast means "Stop" in pirate-speak, don'cha know?) Determined to make said sweater more useful than ballast, I stuffed it in me booty bag (that would be the bag all the yarn goes into) and hauled it and its zipper off to the local tailor. (I daren't feed handknits to the beast that is called a sewing machine that lives in my household.) It should be ready for its finishing touches next Monday. Now if we could just talk the weather into being a bit more reasonable I'll be set :)

1 comment:

Letoya said...

I'm crackin' up! This cat pick it too funny! I'm bustin out of me britches.