Wednesday, December 10, 2008


...are a girl's best friend, right? :D Wound up rescuing this poor little one from certain smooshing while on the way home from a hike (don't worry, we didn't bring it home...simply shoo'd him off the side of the road). The little fellow (clearly a juvenile based on the rather ridiculous and pathetic excuse for a "rattle") was probably trying to soak up the weak December rays - unfortunately he was sunning himself right along a dirt road that sees a fair bit of traffic.

Speaking of rescuing...if you happen to have a Trader Joes nearby and you're as addicted to those Almond Snowmen cookies as I am, you might want to go and stock local Trader Joe's tells me they are already sold out for this season!


Pam said...

It's quite possible you are insane. Good-hearted and a friend to animals, but insane.

PS I'm not talking about the cookie addiction. That's normal.

Mel said...

Just wondering... How exactly do you shoo a Diamondback without putting yourself at risk of getting bitten?

Too bad about the cookies being sold out. Didn't have a chance to try them yet.